A folding bicycle

A purchase of a new bicycle.

Select the best option from those shown.

I decided to invest in a folding bicycle earlier in the year.

There's a hinge in the , so the bike can be folded for easier storage.

It's easy to the bike in the luggage rack on the train when it's folded.

Now that I have a bike I can use, I no longer need to take the bus from the train station to the office.

When I get to the office, I have to store the bike in a locker on other side of the building, which is a slight .

However, this downside is easily by the health benefits of cycling every day.

Not only can I save on gym fees, I've probably saved over £200 on bus travel so far. The savings soon up.

By my , the bike will have paid for itself after around two years, which I think is quite good.

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