El tercer condicional

(Third conditional)


Se usa el tercer condicional para describir situaciones irreales en el pasado y los resultados imaginados. Tanto la situación como el resultado existen en el pasado; la situación no ocurrió por lo que el resultado es imposible:

    If I had woken up earlier, I wouldn’t have missed the train.          La situación real y el resultado: "I didn´t wake up earlier so I missed the train" - no me desperté más temprano por lo que perdí el tren.



Se forma el tercer condicional con una cláusula condicional y una cláusula principal:
El orden de las cláusulas no es importante: el significado es el mismo.

Se usa una coma entre las dos cláusulas si ponemos la cláusula condicional antes de la oración principal:

Cláusula condicional Cláusula principal
"If" + pasado perfecto + coma "would have" + participio pasado
If I’d woken up earlier, I wouldn’t have missed the train.
If she hadn’t got the job, she would have been very disappointed.
If they had known about the problems with the trains, they would have driven instead.
If I hadn’t eaten the fish, would I have got sick?

No se usa coma si se pone la cláusula principal antes de la cláusula condicional:

Cláusula principal Cláusula condicional
"would have" + participio pasado "if" + pasado perfecto
I wouldn’t have missed the train if I had woken up earlier.
She would have been very disappointed if she hadn’t got the job.
They would have driven if they had known about the problems with the trains.
Would I have got sick if I hadn’t eaten the fish?


They’d have passed their exams if they    harder. (study)

If he had followed the directions, he    on time. (arrive)

Would you have guessed the ending of the film if you    the book. (not read)

Sarah would    to Paris if she’d had enough time. (go)


Más práctica

Complete las frases para formar el tercer condicional eligiendo la respuesta correcta entre a, b, c o d:
If he had known it was her birthday, he would ____ her a present.


They wouldn’t have gone if they ____ it would be so crowded.


Would you ____ to the conference if the company hadn’t paid for the tickets?


I would ____ meat if I had known that you are vegetarian.


If I ____ the menu, I wouldn’t have gone to the restaurant.


If they ____ a map, would they have got lost?


El uso de "could", "might"

Se puede usar "could" o "might" en lugar de "would" en la cláusula principal del tercer condicional.

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