Third conditional

(Third conditional)


Usiamo il third conditional per descrivere situazioni irreali nel passato e i risultati immaginati. Sia la situazione che il risultato esistono nel passato; la situazione non si è verificata quindi il risultato è impossibile:

    If I had woken up earlier, I wouldn’t have missed the train.          La situazione e il risultato reali: non mi sono svegliato più presto quindi ho perso il treno.



Formiamo il third conditional con una subordinata ipotetica e una proposizione principale:
L'ordine delle frasi non importa: il significato è lo stesso.

Se mettiamo la subordinata ipotetica prima della proposizione principale, usiamo una virgola:

Subordinata ipotetica Proposizione principale
"If" + past perfect + virgola "would have" + participio passato
If I’d woken up earlier, I wouldn’t have missed the train.
If she hadn’t got the job, she would have been very disappointed.
If they had known about the problems with the trains, they would have driven instead.
If I hadn’t eaten the fish, would I have got sick?

Non usiamo una virgola se mettiamo la proposizione principale prima della subordinata ipotetica:

Proposizione principale Subordinata ipotetica
"would have" + participio passato "if" + past perfect
I wouldn’t have missed the train if I had woken up earlier.
She would have been very disappointed if she hadn’t got the job.
They would have driven if they had known about the problems with the trains.
Would I have got sick if I hadn’t eaten the fish?


They’d have passed their exams if they    harder. (study)

If he had followed the directions, he    on time. (arrive)

Would you have guessed the ending of the film if you    the book. (not read)

Sarah would    to Paris if she’d had enough time. (go)


Ulteriore pratica

Completa le frasi per formare il third conditional scegliendo la risposta corretta tra a, b, c o d:
If he had known it was her birthday, he would ____ her a present.


They wouldn’t have gone if they ____ it would be so crowded.


Would you ____ to the conference if the company hadn’t paid for the tickets?


I would ____ meat if I had known that you are vegetarian.


If I ____ the menu, I wouldn’t have gone to the restaurant.


If they ____ a map, would they have got lost?


Uso di "could", "might"

Possiamo usare "could" o "might" invece di "would" nella proposizione principale del third conditional.

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