Second conditional

(Second conditional)


Usiamo il second conditional per descrivere una situazione nel presente che non è reale e il risultato se immaginassimo che fosse reale.

    If I took the bus, I would arrive at 7pm.     

Forma - proposizione ipotetica e principale

Formiamo il second conditional con una subordinata ipotetica e una proposizione principale:
L'ordine delle proposizioni non importa: il significato è lo stesso.

Se mettiamo la subordinata ipotetica prima della proposizione principale, usiamo una virgola:

Subordinata ipotetica Proposizione principale
"If" + past simple + virgola "would" + infinito (senza "to")
If I took the bus, I would arrive at 7pm.
If I owned that house, I would paint it a different colour.
If I lived in Italy, I would learn to cook Italian food.
If you were me, would you take the train or the bus?
If Tom were rich, he would buy an expensive car.

Non usiamo una virgola se mettiamo la proposizione principale prima della subordinata ipotetica:

Proposizione principale Subordinata ipotetica
"would" + infinito (senza "to") "if" + past simple
I would arrive at 7pm if I took the bus.
I would paint that house a different colour if I owned it.
I would learn to cook Italian food if I lived in Italy.
Would you take the train or the bus if you were me?
Tom would buy an expensive car if he were rich.


Completa le frasi per formare il second conditional con la forma corretta del verbo tra parentesi:
If I    to London, I would go to St. Paul’s cathedral. (go)

Jack and Emily would get a cat if they    near a busy road. (not live)

I'd    you to the Lake District if you came to London. (take)

If I gave you £100, what would you    with it? (do)


Ulteriore pratica

Completa le frasi scegliendo la risposta corretta tra a, b, c o d:
I would be surprised if she ____ the job.


They ____ to Bolivia if they had the chance.


Would you ____ to the conference if the company were paying for the tickets?


I’d cook steak if he ____ meat.


He ____ weight if he had a healthier diet.


Sarah said she would come to the party with me if she ____ a headache.


Uso di "could", "might"

Possiamo usare "could" o "might" al posto di "would" nella proposizione principale del second conditional.

If Tom were rich, he would buy an expensive car.

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