Pronoms relatifs

(Pronouns: relative)

Pronoms relatifs - introduction

who, which, that

Les propositions relatives nous indiquent de qui ou de quoi quelqu'un parle, ou nous donnent des renseignements sur cette personne ou cette chose.

On utilise "who", "which" et "that" comme pronoms relatifs pour:

  1. The man is an English teacher. He lives in London.
Dans le deuxième exemple, "who" introduit la proposition relative. La proposition relative doit avoir un sujet pour que "who" puisse remplacer "He" car on ne peut pas répéter "He" ou "The man".

La proposition relative nous indique de quel homme l'orateur est en train de parler.

On utilise


  1. What is a fork?

Exemples supplémentaires

This is the woman. She works in my office.
This is the woman who / that works in my office.

A woman called. She wanted your email address.
The woman who / that called wanted your email address.

This is the book. I enjoyed it.
This is the book which / that I enjoyed.

Exercices d'entraînement

Complete the sentences with "who" or "which":

That's the house    I want to buy.

A doctor is a person    looks after sick people.

The woman    got the job was very clever.

The film    we enjoyed the most was three hours long.

The actor    is standing next to him is very famous.

An aeroplane is something    flies.


E xercices d'entraînement supplémentaires

Complete the sentences with "who" or "which":
That's the dog    bit him.

This is the place    I saw in the book.

Mary is the singer    was in the accident.

The homework    I forgot to do was very important.

The woman    is the new director is from the USA.

My sister    lives in Australia is a nurse.


Utilisez le pronom relatif that pour transformer deux phrases simples en une phrase complexe.
This is the pen. It is broken.

Robert is the man. He stole my phone.

This is the house. It's the most expensive one on the street.

There's the restaurant. It isn't very good.


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